Thursday, August 22, 2013

We Run This...But Not Yet.

I was so surprised...I have volunteered myself for running...

Yes, I said it. Anyone who knows me knows I do not like physical activity of pretty much any kind, but I especially hate running.

However, this weekend, I was browsing through my Facebook feed, when I saw pictures someone had taken at a Color Run. I thought, "Man, that looks like fun." And then, "Too bad I'll never be able to do that."

And that was stupid. I'm a healthy (now that my husband has pulled my junk-and-fast-food-eating leash in a fair amount), four-limbed, capable 23-year-old. Why can't I participate in "only" 5 kilometers? (For those of you that don't want to google it, that's just a bit over 3 miles.)

I thought about all those times I've turned people down for working out (including my husband and probably Nicole) and told myself, "Nooooo, thank you" and how many times Russ has told me he wants to make sure I'm around for a long time. (You guys, I like junk food and not working out.)

Well, why not have some sort of goal for working out? Clearly, I can't maintain a "work out every day to be fit" goal. Nope. Don't care. I'm fit enough for my lazy ass. So, maybe a "run this fun 5K" goal will work! I'm hoping it does. Not because I care too much about being able to run forever--'cause I don't--but because I've seen all the ads for the cool 5Ks and I'm curious.

So I immediately texted my best army wife friend, and she said, and I quote, "Yesssssssssss". So I take it she liked the idea. haha And now we're starting our "training" tomorrow morning! I found an app called "C25K"--short for "Couch to 5K--so we'll see how it works out. It's supposed to work you up from being a couch potato to jogging a 5K. And I think both of us could use the slower transition and the guidance. I know I could.

Jesus. I can't believe I've volunteered to run.

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