Friday, September 30, 2011

Let's not go to Camelot. It's a silly place.

I was so surprised...I was not born sometime in the (more interesting) ancient times.

For example, when showing up to meetings naked, with a drum, was acceptable.

Okay, so I may or may not have just finished watching Kingdom of Heaven--you know, that random movie about Jerusalem in the Middle Ages? I don't think I saw four commercials for it coming out...Uh, it stars Orlando Bloom? Yeah, that one.

Well, so I didn't particularly like the movie (which is sad, because I tend to love anything regarding that time period), but I did enjoy bits and pieces. For example, the knightly Orlando Bloom. Or the battle scenes. Ish. They were a little melodramatic for my tastes, but I do love me a good medieval battle.

Seriously, if I could choose a time period to live in, it would be the (stinky, dirty, repressed) times in which men rode horses into battle, carrying huge swords that probably weighed as much as I do. Or huge bows the height of a man, with a quiver full of arrows and eyes full of roguish sexiness.
And/or the ability to string and accurately fire two arrows at once. Just sayin.
But really, I seem to have a thing for archers. This isn't a recent development, nor have I only just noticed this, but I do wonder at my strange attraction sometimes. It seems that anytime I find a character who happens to be an archer, he automatically becomes my favorite. (Exception here for Lord of the Rings: Aragorn is number one, obviously, with Legolas jumping up to tie every time he gets into battle.)

Don't get me wrong, I love a man hacking away with a sword, as well, and I can't even imagine the skill and strength it must have taken to wield such a weapon, but there's just something about the man who can hit his opponents from afar with a little string and a couple twigs.

Just look past this man's ugly aiming-face and see those rippling muscles.
Sexy, sexy beasts they are. And could you fight with a sword like this man? :

Didn't think so.
Or how about this man? It can't be easy to be silver, lounge, and fire an arrow. But archers are cool like that. Even in ancient, ancient times.
Or, maybe, "especially" in ancient times.
Maybe it's because I'm a Sagittarius. You know, the one no one can pronounce? The centaur, people...Half horse, half human?

Pictured: Me in my spare time.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I wish I lived in those times. Among other reasons not as interesting as archers. Anytime between Ancient Greece and the Renaissance will do, really.

No, not the Renaissance Festival. Though I'd totally work there.
Or, maybe when I eventually get married, I'll make my husband take archery classes with me...Yeah, that's a good alternative. Until those damn time machines are up and running.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We'll Make It

I was so find that I really, really, really can't wait to be done with school.

Even though this is my pretty school...
Seriously, I find myself saying things like, "I hate school," "I hate being an ed major," "I hate Flagstaff," "I hate NAU," way too often for my own liking. I know that I will probably love being a teacher, but there's the problem: I just said probably. Really? For, like, 15 years I've wanted to be a teacher, and now, when I'm finally so close, I say I will probably like it. Ugh. Being an ed major will do that to you (or at least to me): it'll tear you down and bore you to death and make you feel way too smart and make you afraid for your life and scare you and, basically, I just wish I could skip it all and get in the classroom.

But enough of my complaining. I've been super busy these past weeks (ugh), and have had very little time to myself, which is really draining me. I'm not a people person. I just want a little alone time. To read and play The Sims and pretend that other people and life don't exist. Ahh, how wonderful that would be.

But, alas, it is not to be so. At least my mommy will be here this weekend. Maybe I just need a little recharge.

Caroline and I have been referring back to, first, when our bigs were seniors and how stressed they were and how we never saw them, so we're not too surprised that we want to kill ourselves. But also, second, we (or at least I) have been thinking a lot about what we like to call the Recession we had last year. We don't call it depression, because, really, we were probably just on the edge of depression (ha, sad truth), so it doesn't count.

I'm really afraid I'm in a recession again already. I can feel myself shutting down to everything and everyone, and I just really hope I can pull through this before I cut too many ties or screw myself over and have to stay here another semester. I may not make it out of here if I do.

Okay, so I said "enough of my complaining," and I guess I lied. Now I'll stop complaining.

This week's been fairly good to me: I got a new phone, got the new Sims 3 Generations (don't judge), read a ton of Jane Austen books (seriously, I have no idea why I'm obsessed with her right now), and have done some great work on my first book.

Did I mention it's called Wyshe? Yeah, it's a clever spelling of the word "wish." If you don't know what it's about, go read my last post, or forget I ever said anything.

Anyway, I've been editing and fixing and adding and deleting like crazy for the past couple months, and I have to say that I am really, very proud of where it's going. It's becoming so much deeper, getting so many new, better ideas, and I cannot wait until it's finished and I can show it off to everyone I know. I'm still working on finding an agent, who will, hopefully, find me a publisher for it. I really would love to see it in print and, to be honest, if I could have just one random person pick it up off the shelf at Barnes & Noble and like it, I will be quite content. And, of course, I would love for people I do know to read and love it.

Man, it feels good to just let it all out and confess my secret love of writing. And to talk about it, and express all my feelings toward the new version of Wyshe. I'm so happy with it. Maybe writing will be what keeps my head above water this year. I certainly hope so. I know it helped me last semester, so we'll see.

Anyway, I'd better read for my next classes. Long day today--getting done at 3:35--but then I'll be free until Monday! Yay! more...ed...classes...!

Have a great day, everyone!

P.S. I've decided that, since I hate naming posts, I will now be pushing "Play" on my iTunes and using the first song as the title. Unless I have something clever or relevant already picked. :] So enjoy. This one comes from the song "We Made It (feat. Linkin Park)" by Busta Rhymes. Super random.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Something Clever.

I was so surprised...this wonderful person nominated me for some sort of Versatile Blogger Award. Or something. 

Well, apparently I'm supposed to name 9 facts about me now, and, uh, I'm just gonna go ahead and clear the air about some things while I'm at it. Screw it, I'm a senior in college and soon I'll be a real adult. It's time people learned some things about me.

  • I've been to Spain. (Surprise, surprise if you've read my first 12936234 posts, right?) It was the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life and someday I will be back. My Spanish has improved immensely (as has my Spanish accent), and just getting the chance to see real history (sorry, but America is really just a baby in comparison and not nearly as interesting) was something I will never forget. Possibly my favorite thing ever, if I had to choose, would be the medieval walls that still surround Ávila. SO awesome. They're seriously the defense walls from medieval times and are still intact! And (because I'm a nerd and love history) it was such an experience seeing the city from afar, surrounded by huge, stone walls. Amazing.
I'm obsessed.

  •  I tend to exaggerate. Just a little. (See above.) When I'm typing out an estimate, I generally just slam my fingers into random numbers...and when I'm vocalizing an estimate, I usually include a 7 in there somewhere...My roommate Caroline has caught on to that one, and won't believe any numbers I spout that include 7s...It's like the boy who cried wolf. Except that when Caroline doesn't believe me, I won't be eaten by a wolf. Probably. 
  • I'm a very logical person. If I can't explain something with logic, I simply cannot believe it. I will search and search for some logical reasoning for things, and if none show up, I'm forced to accept that I can't believe it. And then there's no changing my mind. But I promise I do try really hard to find reasons before giving up.
  • As my little (sister, in my sorority) told me last night, I have high expectations for people. Caroline and Katie agreed, saying that it pushes people to be better, but they all three conceded that sometimes I just need to let go when someone simply can't meet my expectations. It hurts me too much, because I put so much of myself into helping them reach my expectations that I probably hurt worse than they do when they fail me. Sigh, I'm working on it. (And a huge thanks to those who do try to keep up with them. I'm sorry I have such expectations--I honestly didn't even realize it before, haha)
  • I...haven't admitted this to a lot of people...soo...first, I'll note that I type the way I speak, generally. Maybe I'm a little more formal when I type, but if I put in some (...) I am literally thinking (or would speak it) with a pause. If I drag out my words (ex: sooo), that's me dragging out my words. I promise I'm not the type of person who just adds letters for no reason. 
Pictured: Not me.
  • Okay, so now that thing that not a lot of people know about me...(thank goodness not a lot of people read this blog)...Okay, it's seriously not as big a deal as I make it out to be...haha but I still get nervous and embarrassed...Okay, so I like to write. I actually love writing stories. I've kind of had an obsession with storytelling since I was a kid, and luckily it wasn't squashed out of me growing up. I started typing things out in high school, writing the first 10 pages of a story and scrapping it. Then I wrote the first 20 pages and scrapped that. Each time I'd get a little farther into a story before I realized it was going nowhere, until finally, last year, I finished a whole book's worth of story. And then I wrote the sequel. So now I have two, finished (to a degree) books. Various friends have been helping me to edit and construct them both, (and I'll point out that Caroline and Bree are my biggest contributors), and I could not be happier. I'm actually currently working on getting the first published, as Bree and I edit it and fix it, so we'll see how that goes. I love writing, and I love the world (literally) I've created, and the characters, and the plot. I'm so happy with it all, and I feel much more accomplished now. It's a big thing for me.
This big guy's in it, if that intrigues you...
  • I'm super passionate about education. I know, you're saying, "You want to be a teacher--I hope you're passionate about it!" And I agree wholeheartedly. But there are definitely those people who are just kind of in it because they have nowhere else to go, or they want summers off, or they like the pay (HA! Just kidding!). I will tell you right now that I am not one of those people. I think about my future classroom a lot, and I plan and I scheme, and I figured out what I really believe and what I don't. If I do say so myself, I have the framework for a really great classroom, and I am seriously so excited to put it into practice. Thank goodness little Brandi had the right idea when she made Katie and Aimee play school with her...after school...I've wanted to be a teacher all my life, and I've realized just how much I really do want it now. It's amazing.
  • I'm a terrible student. Is that contradictory, or what? I love education, but I hate going to my own classes...I really can be terrible when it comes to attendance, and I feel bad about it--but not enough to change anything. I hate going to education classes, for the most part. And that's because, for the most part, I feel like I already know what they're telling me. Yes, I can learn different methods and cool tricks (and I won't deny that I have learned of some cool things I want to use), but most of the time it's just not worth it for me to hike to the ed building and sit in boring classes listening to things I already know. Woops. Once I get my own classroom, hopefully I'll want to be there all the time, because either way, I will be. (Just as a side note, I'm currently ditching my classes...just to let you know how serious I am about that...and I'm sorry if I influence you in the wrong way with this...Go to class!)
  • I...don't know how to wrap this up...No, I'm kidding. But seriously. What's another fact about me that could be interesting to know? I, uh, love Tri Delta? Is that a cheap one? Well, too bad. I really, really do love my sorority. This weekend was rush, so I've been talking about it practically nonstop for four days, and the more I talk about it, the more I love it. The more songs I have to sing over and over and over again, the more I realize they're true and that, in May, I'll have to leave this all behind. I love my sisters. I love the bond there seems to be between us all. I love the way we all love Tri Delta. And most of all, I love my big, my littles, and my grandlittle. (AND very soon I will love my second grandlittle and, hopefully, a great grandlittle!) Yay, Hero Family!! (And, yes, I did name my family the Hero Family because I love Batman...) ∆∆∆
The Fam. Minus my big.
    So there you have it, folks. There's your nine facts about me. Hopefully I didn't bore you to tears, and hopefully you haven't lost some respect for me with my rambling. Have a great day, everyone! Don't be too surprised! ;]

    P.S. I don't have enough blogging-friends (yes, I had to make that a hyphenated word) to nominate more people, sadly. So I just re-nominate my dear friend Leah.