Thursday, March 14, 2013

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

I was so surprised...I've become one of those girls.

I remember a time when I lived in Flagstaff, stayed in my room any time I could avoid going outside, and only longed for life as a married woman, with a house and a cat. (I know, I never wanted the puppy, and I've been proven wrong...I get it.)

How was I able to entertain myself for such long periods of time in such a small space (and anyone who's seen the rooms in Mountain View knows just how small a space)? I would go forever, playing the Sims, reading, writing, watching shows, or something. How?

Now I live in this nice, big house, and I can't seem to keep myself entertained anymore. I have this cute, little puppy who demands my attention all the time, and all the time in the world to hone my craft, and yet, nothing. There's no motivation to play the Sims, to write, to watch shows, to read. Nothing.

I think this whole having-a-husband thing has ruined my capacity for self-entertainment. I think I'm stuck now basically counting down the hours til he comes home to me. Terrible. I'm a woman who now waits for a man to entertain her.

Not that he's particularly entertaining either, but there's just something different about having someone to spend that boring time with, I think.

I know Russ has only been in the field for the week, but it seems to take forever when you don't have anything in particular to keep you busy. Now, you all know that I've been keeping sort of busy doing projects for the house, but that can only go so far...

Luckily, I got the job at the Child and Youth Services, sooo I'm working on getting all the paperwork and clearances and things so I can get working as soon as possible. Then, time with Russ out of the house won't seem so bad!

However, don't think I'm floundering already, guys! I'm perfectly capable of living alone and surviving and not going crazy, I promise. This is just a little observation I've made. So don't worry about me. :]

Another thing I've noticed: even after living in Flag for 4 years, and surviving my first Northern New York winter, I still love the snow. :] It's freezing, but gorgeous here. I've met some wonderful people  that I can't wait to get to know better. I've got two adorable, little baby animals that I love to death. A beautiful house that someone my age probably shouldn't have. And a husband I am totally crazy about.

So yeah, I love my life. And I love my life here. It's amazing.


  1. So Eric read your blog and asked me if I felt the same way (about no longer being able to entertain myself), and I said yes because in all honesty--yes, which kind of freaked him out. But I think it's part of being married to the military, and moving away from family and stuff. Whenever Eric had CQ duty or was in the field I made sure to schedule ahead of time chores and TV shows on Netflix so I knew I had something to do. I think the only way to "kick the habit" is to find something of your own to do, which you have going for you of course--Congrats on the job!!

    But anyways, it was just cool to see that I'm not the only one who felt that way after getting married and being home all the time while he was in the field or at work. Anyways.

  2. Yeah, exactly! Haha I feel like it's nothing they should necessarily worry about, but maybe just that they should be aware of, too. Haha I try to keep it in check if I'm feeling it, but I'm definitely glad I'll have a job to distract me soon! And thanks! I agree! It's nice knowing I'm not the only one feeling that way. :]
