Friday, January 13, 2012

The Sleepy Wannabe-Teacher

I was so surprised...teaching is so tiring!

For those of you who don't know, I just started my student teaching this week. It's been a blast, absolutely, and I LOVE my kids, but I just never realized how exhausting and painful it is to be on my feet, chasing after 5- and 6-year-olds all day. I swear, I thought my feet were gonna fall off!

Now, yes, I'm not really teaching right now, but I'm still there, being a classroom aide all day, and I'm still running after kids who refuse to accept my authority as of yet. Ugh. Like I said, I love my kids--and I mean all of them--but there are a few that just will not accept me as an authority figure yet. But I'm working on it.

Seriously, this week I've had one little boy in particular (we'll call him Fred, which is not his real name) who I've been especially struggling with. He's definitely the do-the-opposite-of-what-the-teacher-says-for-attention kinda kid, and it's hard to level with those guys! Especially when you're just stepping in and look like you're twelve. So we've been kinda battling this week...But I think I've had a breakthrough! Yesterday we had a sub, so he was more willing to listen to me than to this other new person, and he even admitted that we're best friends forever when we were on the playground. :] And then today he was asking me all kinds of questions and "convincing" me that I like the Broncos. What a cutie! He even kind of listened to me when I asked him to behave. What a nice time.

I absolutely love interacting with these kids. They're so adorable, and so funny! Each one has such cute little quirks and I love it. I just hope they like me as much as I like them! That's the scary thing, to me. That they won't like me or they won't wanna listen to me when I do start taking over, say, next week. Yikes!

Also. My apartment is freezing. haha It bears no relevance to the previous...conversation, I'm gonna call it...but seriously, it's frickin cold! I'm currently wearing a long sleeve shirt under a sweater, knee high socks under jeans, with the heater on the "turbo" setting turned up to 90 degrees, and a space heater pointed directly at me. This is just a tad ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm tired, and I'll probably start rambling (Start? Ha!) if I let myself go on any longer. Bottom line here: I'm a very exhausted person this week. So don't expect me to leave my freezing apartment for a while. In fact, maybe I'll stay huddled in my warm(ish) bed. Until next time! :]

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